Wednesday’s #mufuchat got me thinking about assessment. Again. In particular it got me thinking...
Assessments in KS1-3 Music
I’ve written about assessment on at least a couple of occasions (June 2014, February 2012) and it’s still an area that fascinates me. There’s a lot of talk about how schools are adapting (or not) to ‘assessment without levels’ but I’ve not really seen any hard data about the methods employed in music departments. There are some great blogs and articles from Martin Fautley, Robin Hammerton, Anna Gower, Jane Werry and others but it’s difficult to get a sense of the lay of the land on a national level.
In hope of tackling this (and following on from the interesting recent survey about written work), I’d like to ask music teachers what’s happening in their schools.
The survey below focuses on how assessment of pupils’ musical learning is reported. I’m not asking how the assessments actually happen in the classroom but in how that information gets communicated to leaders, parents, etc. There are three compulsory questions, plus the option of some comments.
You can complete the survey here or by using the embedded version below.
The results so far can be found here.